donderdag 10 december 2009
woensdag 9 december 2009
A new place?
But now some good news! I’m checking out a room tonight, in a house shared with 3 other girls – one of which is a great colleague and friend of mine . The place sounds so nice, perfect for a first home! So if I’m lucky, by 2010 I’ll be moving out and into a little dwelling of my own!
My mom was even so good as to keep an eye open for things for me whilst thrifting and oh my, such treasures she has found me! One of them is actually a slightly damaged leather Chesterfield couch, for 40 euros! How amazing is that? Now the only question is..will it fit through the staircase at my possible new place? I hope it will, because I’m already in love.
As soon as it’s out of the garage, I’ll make some pictures!
Though I haven’t actually seen the room yet, I’ve already been scouting for inspiration! Let me show you a small part of my inspiration folder:

Though I'll probably go nuts with color, as I always do. My previous room did deserve it's name Villa Villekulla..
My mom was even so good as to keep an eye open for things for me whilst thrifting and oh my, such treasures she has found me! One of them is actually a slightly damaged leather Chesterfield couch, for 40 euros! How amazing is that? Now the only question is..will it fit through the staircase at my possible new place? I hope it will, because I’m already in love.
As soon as it’s out of the garage, I’ll make some pictures!
Though I haven’t actually seen the room yet, I’ve already been scouting for inspiration! Let me show you a small part of my inspiration folder:
I’m thinking about a clean and white base, with lush colors to brighten it up.
A mix of new and old (for me also known as IKEA and thrift finds).
Warm wooden elements.
A rich yet light feel.

And not to forget floor to ceiling bookcases. Perhaps in a bright color?
Though I'll probably go nuts with color, as I always do. My previous room did deserve it's name Villa Villekulla..
All images are from Sköna Hem.
Sniff. Cough. Sigh.
I have been feeling a little under the weather lately. I have an awful cough, which is very awkward when sitting in an overcrowded train during this pandemic in which everyone seems have become a germaphobe, so I desperately try not to cough which of course mounts into an even worse coughing attack complete with teary eyes and dripping nose (oh yes, very charming – I know).. Daily I pack my bag with eucalyptol handkerchiefs, anti-bacterial crème, a bottle of water and throat pastilles and I’m taking extra vitamin C in the mornings. I’m getting desperate trying not to get sick, that with my luck when the fun part of this month starts – I’m going to be sick. Oh joy.
woensdag 2 december 2009
Girl crush
If only to be so elegant..
Instead of nerd faced, lushly eye browed, sneaker wearing, clumsy, fat Chinese man eyed (when smiling) me.
Ah well.
I think I'll live.
dinsdag 24 november 2009
maandag 23 november 2009
When it rains, it pours.
When I heard the wind blow like mad and the rain pour down, whilst lying in bed in my attic room at 5.30 this morning, I felt the urge to simply pull the covers back over my head and stay there for the rest of the day. Yet knowing I have only 8 weeks of my internship left (of which 2 weeks are Christmas break) I dragged my behind out of the warm comfort that is my bed. Not bothered to apply any mascara whatsoever, as the rain would make sure that it would quickly end up on my cheeks instead of my lashes, I wrapped up in my new gigantic woolen scarf to ready myself for the battle ahead. The battle would consist of me, on my trusty bike versus the wind, great powerful raging wind. The prize? Me catching the train. Or not.
An epic battle followed, at times I was not even able to move my bike because the great power of the wind and I thought that if just started walking I would be faster. But I did not give up! And yes, I did make it to the train station in time. A lucky bonus was that it had stopped raining that morning.
But not anymore.
Since then it has been raining almost constantly.
I fear another battle will have to commence later this day.
One perhaps even fiercer.
I must gather my strength.
Buy chocolate.
Sleep in the train.
Listen to Eye of the Tiger. Grr.
Oh wait.
If I had head wind this morning, I’ll have tail wind when I go home.
zaterdag 24 oktober 2009
21 going on 15
I went out to buy the New Moon book (Twilight saga, I'm hooked..) and so in the book store I kept searching the titles in the adventure section, then the fantasy section and then the thriller section. But no New Moon. Then the shop-girl was so kind to show me where it was. It was in the kids section. And I felt a little silly, being a grown ass woman.
But still very excited and can't wait to start my intern ship again next week, so I can have 2 hours of blissful reading time every day whilst being in the train to Den Hague.
But still very excited and can't wait to start my intern ship again next week, so I can have 2 hours of blissful reading time every day whilst being in the train to Den Hague.
Early autumn day.
Yesterday was a great morning, it was all misty (not quite visible from the photo) and I took my dog out for a walk by the rhubarb fields near my house.
As I dragged her along, she's old and thought I was trotting her off to the woods so decided to stop walking every 5 metres to convince me not to, I adored the colours of early fall. Lots of bright, dark pinks, silvery greys, pale blues and lovely yellows.
(My first attempt at making a colour chart..)
Especially the colour of this moss inspired me.
And the most soothing sound.. the sound of damp dripping from the leaves of bushes.
A good day.
vrijdag 16 oktober 2009
maandag 12 oktober 2009
vrijdag 9 oktober 2009
donderdag 8 oktober 2009
Outfit love.
I’m utterly in love with this look; I wish I could dress like this every day. I’m sure I’d feel incredibly feminine. But unfortunately being limited to bike-riding and public transport, rainy Dutch weather, not feeling like shaving my legs on a daily bases and a small budget, means my daily outfit contains of jeans, Chuck Taylors and a simple cotton H&M coat. Not too glamorous or very feminine, but way more practical. (But if going to Chloe fashion show is part of your job-description, I’d say why not!)
maandag 5 oktober 2009
zaterdag 3 oktober 2009
For everything there is a season,
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
And a time for every matter under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to seek, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to throw away;
A time to tear, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time for war, and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
donderdag 1 oktober 2009
It's cold outside..
Fall weather has kicked in and I’m freezing. My love for sheer blouses only just started and already I‘ve had to banish them to a corner of closet simply for being climatically useless. Waking up in the morning has become even more unbearable because my bed is really warm (thanks to my super cheap Ikea fleece blanket) and the rest of my bedroom is really cold. And I keep forgetting to put on a proper coat instead of a cardigan, which is rather stupid because waiting on the tram at 8 am can be pretty cold…
Well to make a long story short, it’s cold and I don’t seem to be quite ready for it. Luckily I had an employee sale (meaning 50% off clothing, for staff only) last night and I scored a gorgeous leather jacket, thick cardigan and woolen scarf. Good start, right? Well, I do feel I am in need of a little more warmth to get me through these next few cold months.
And then I discovered this new store on Etsy, and I believe I have found what I'm in need for.
Autumn Muse by LeMuse
An oversized woolen dress with sexy exposed shoulders, just throw on a pair of tights and some flats and you’ll have instant comfort! Ah yes, I think I will have to buy.
zaterdag 26 september 2009
Please ignore the annoying American voice-over..
This made my heart flutter..
(Please watch it in full screen, it's worth it.)
vrijdag 25 september 2009
In character..
I stumbled up these amazing photographs by Howard Schatz for Vanity Fair, of actors “making faces”.
Here are a few of my favorites:

Center: You’re a stand-up comic performing at a Toronto showcase packed with S.N.L. and HBO scouts—and your “lesbian chickens” bit is utterly tanking.
Right: You’re, like, 15, and he’s, like, 17, and even tho U have only ever said, like, “Hey” in the hallways, he’s just texted 2 ask U 2 B his D8 @ the prom!!! the prom!!!
Right: You’re, like, 15, and he’s, like, 17, and even tho U have only ever said, like, “Hey” in the hallways, he’s just texted 2 ask U 2 B his D8 @ the prom!!! the prom!!!

Left: You’re the cornerman for a winded female boxer, desperately exhorting her: “She’s run away with your boyfriend! She’s kidnapped your kid! Get out there and kill that heifer!”
Right: You’re a 10-year-old in a high-rise apartment, playing fetch with your fox terrier and a tennis ball—which has just bounced out the window, with your dog in full pursuit.

Center: You’re departing the nursing home where your wife resides; it is your first visit in which she didn’t recognize you.
Right: You’re a college basketball coach, on the cusp of an N.C.A.A. tournament berth, screaming at the referee, knowing that if you’re ejected, your boys will turn it up a notch.
Left: You’re a hyperkinetic eight-year-old drama queen at her birthday party, hearing that the clown has just arrived. 
Center: You’re a mom at your seven-year-old daughter’s ballet recital, watching her execute an adorably imperfect pirouette and an almost flawless curtsy.
Right: You’re a high-school senior whose parents are at work, just about to have sex with your boyfriend for the first time, when your kid sister bursts into the room.
Source: Vanity Fair
Oh, fug it.
Procrastinating.. If you would look up this word in the dictionary, you will find a picture of me. I’m actually at my internship as I write this, watching kids go nuts on the playground. Youthful boisterousness, such a joy to watch!
Oops, distracted. Again. Though I do think I have reason to be a little unfocused lately, I mean having to catch the train of 6.56 in the morning hasn’t gotten into my system as of yet. And even though I’m in bed at 22.00, I don’t seem to get enough sleep. So don’t be alarmed if you come across my person in the train, completely passed out. No need for waking me, I need my sleep. Well do wake me, if I’m drooling.
But lately my favorite procrastinating activity has been Go Fug Yourself. No not really a site name you would want your supervisor to spot when he or she pops up behind you. So take care when you visit this site. Not that the content is in any way nasty or something, but it just doesn’t scream out busy bee now does it? I do find it highly amusing, perfect to lighten up a day filled with the excruciating agony of writing a very boring and very long work plan, with screaming kids on the background and me trying not to fall asleep. The humor is nice and crude, just the way I like it!
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, may I present exhibit A: Harry Potter and the Half Fug Prince
Oops, distracted. Again. Though I do think I have reason to be a little unfocused lately, I mean having to catch the train of 6.56 in the morning hasn’t gotten into my system as of yet. And even though I’m in bed at 22.00, I don’t seem to get enough sleep. So don’t be alarmed if you come across my person in the train, completely passed out. No need for waking me, I need my sleep. Well do wake me, if I’m drooling.
But lately my favorite procrastinating activity has been Go Fug Yourself. No not really a site name you would want your supervisor to spot when he or she pops up behind you. So take care when you visit this site. Not that the content is in any way nasty or something, but it just doesn’t scream out busy bee now does it? I do find it highly amusing, perfect to lighten up a day filled with the excruciating agony of writing a very boring and very long work plan, with screaming kids on the background and me trying not to fall asleep. The humor is nice and crude, just the way I like it!
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, may I present exhibit A: Harry Potter and the Half Fug Prince
maandag 3 augustus 2009
zaterdag 1 augustus 2009
Holiday pic.

edited by Chloé
donderdag 23 juli 2009

How I wish I lived in France, just being there made me want to be more elegant.
I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I will make a few more collages as I play around with Picnik (thanks for the tip, Chloé!).
vrijdag 3 juli 2009
Holiday fever!
Tonight, or better said tomorrow early morning, I am going on holiday! Soaking up the sun and watching surfer boys in France! But seeing as we're going with a big group, but the cars aren't that big, I can only take 1 gym bag of clothes. CRISIS. I'm a nut when it comes to packing a trip, I always way too much stuff because I want to be prepared for every single possible situation.
And so I need a plan of action.
First of; inspiration.

source 1 2 3 4
Vicky Christina Barcelona.
Perfect holiday wear; great basics, a little retro and very comfortable!
And hmm.. this gets me thinking about a summer romance.. I'm signing up for the French version of Javier Bardem.. ^^
And so I need a plan of action.
First of; inspiration.

Vicky Christina Barcelona.
Perfect holiday wear; great basics, a little retro and very comfortable!
And hmm.. this gets me thinking about a summer romance.. I'm signing up for the French version of Javier Bardem.. ^^
dinsdag 23 juni 2009
Whilst researching meditation rooms for a school thing, I came across the meditation room of the FIFA headquarters in Zurich and I think it is simply magical! The entire room is made out of onyx with lighting between the inside and outside wall, creating the beautiful glowing effect.

And how about this place? You'd never guess but it is actually inside a giant Buddha. Can you see the tiny windows in the top of his chest?

Ushiku Daibutsu Buddha, Japan.
zondag 14 juni 2009
donderdag 4 juni 2009
maandag 4 mei 2009
Ed Westwick takes a fahion quiz..
Oh swoon. The British accent, the scruffy beard, the dark look.. *sigh* I'm so weak.
vrijdag 1 mei 2009
Vintage camera bag.
I saw this photo ages ago and decided I wanted a vintage camera bag to carry my digital camera in.
Never did find one as cool as hers (within my budget), but a few days ago I bought this one. Still quite stylin', no?
Never did find one as cool as hers (within my budget), but a few days ago I bought this one. Still quite stylin', no?
donderdag 30 april 2009
maandag 27 april 2009
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